
Studies and workshops in lock down CICD ...

Mel is a teacher at CICD and has written about life at CICD during lock down
Studies and workshops in our lock down CICD Hello, my name is Mel and I am a teacher at CICD. Today I write to tell you a bit about the past weeks and how we managed to continue with the programmes even in times of Covid-19. Let me tell you about how we rearranged the daily life in the safest way possible. At CICD we were around 30 people a month ago. We changed the whole set up of the school by dividing into 3 groups. 9 Development Instructors (DI-s) plus + 2 teachers are now living in Malawi building...
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  2420 Hits
2420 Hits

Why gardening? Because in exchange of your work you get food!

Why organic? Because it’s healthy. Because in order to have good and healthy food we DON’T need chemicals.
From Vasile Nutescu, garden farming responsible: Hi, my name is Vasile and I am from Romania and I want to talk about gardening, organic gardening. Why organic? Because it’s healthy. Because in order to have good and healthy food we DON’T need chemicals. I come from a small village in north of Romania. It’s an area where even now days most of the agriculture and gardening are made organically and traditionally. I grew up with gardening and I learned what I know that way. Throughout the years I also worked in industrial agriculture so I also have an understanding of...
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3233 Hits

Life in Lock Down at CICD

In this time of the Covid 19 pandemic, we feel privileged here at CICD.
In this time of the Covid 19 pandemic, we feel privileged here at CICD. We live as a small community in a safe and rural place with lots of space, indoors as well as outdoors. The park surrounding the school is big enough for all to spread out in. To minimize infection risk, we have organised ourselves into 3 separate groups that don't interact with each other and always keep the social distance: 1) The DI group (Volunteers in training + teachers) 2) The Gaia group (the scholarship team + teacher) and 3) The Others (us who are not in...
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  2457 Hits
2457 Hits

Update from CICD in the time of pandemic

Take care of yourself and yours - and stay safe!
Dear friend.     In the time of this Covid19 pandemic, we are healthy and safe here at the College in rural East Riding of Yorkshire. We are doing all we can to adapt to the situation, to keep safe and take good care of each other and the people around us. While dealing with the situation here in England and how the virus affects our lives in this part of the world, it is also important to keep the perspective. We need to remember that while it is problematic and causes interruptions for us, we actually have good possibilities...
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  1917 Hits
1917 Hits

My adventures as a Gaia collection driver!

Do you want to follow in my footsteps and be the next Collector?
I remember the first day they told me that I would have to drive on the different side in the car. A challenge was presented and I overcame. And then came the next challenge: driving the van. Same as the car but with a few more meters of metal sheets. I was accompanied during the first few days and then I did it by myself. Satisfactorily I finished my four months of driving in the clothes collection. Good days and bad days!
As I highlight freedom, enjoying your own company, being able to leave...
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Zambia here we come!

August Poverty Activist Team 2019
In the end of January our Poverty Activist team is travelling to join DAPP Zambia for 6 months as volunteers - in the ZAMFAM (Zambian Families) projects run by our partner DAPP (Development Aid for People to People) and prevention of malaria and diarrhoea, and in a boarding school for young adults in Nakambala. Before they left they wrote down some thoughts and expectations - and some advice! -  to share with you, while getting ready to continue on this new and fantastic experience....   Carla Barrado, Spain Hello World. I am Spanish and I am 24 years old. I...
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2373 Hits

My first Impressions of Malawi

Alvaro from Chile, volunteer in CICD-s 10 month August team 2019, shares his first impressions
Alvaro from Chile , volunteer in CICD-s 10 month August team 2019, shares his first impressions from living and volunteering in Amalika Teachers Training college & Pre-school project, run by DAPP Malawi - in "the Warm Heart of Africa"....and he reflects on the new perspective he got on his life until now. My first Impressions of Malawi We have ...
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  3882 Hits
3882 Hits

The era of the Anthropocene has arrived

To have a sustainable society we need clean energy. And a society that is not based on economic growth.
By Alvaro Valdebenito Sanhueza, Chile 10 month Development Volunteer team, August 2019 The environmental struggle It has been a custom to think that the struggle about climate change is related with a couple of environmentalist hippies or a small groups of eccentric young people that want to get attention with their new style of life, as the vegeta...
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3732 Hits

Chile is Awake

The problem is a deeply unfair economic and social system, implanted in blood and fire by the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in 1973
During the last days, the people of Chile have mobilised in the face of the perceived injustices in the conditions that exist to live in the country, considering that the state is not guaranteeing their basic rights even when Chile is considered one of the richest country in Latin America. Last Friday, the underground subway increased its price by ...
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  3074 Hits
3074 Hits

Education to create change – my experience in Malawi

This program and the wealth of experiences that now I carry with me have changed me
By Sara Simson, Development Instructor in DRH Lindersvolds Fighting with The Poor programme This program and the wealth of experiences that now I carry with me have changed me. The programme was 24 months in total, and 8 of them I spent in Malawi. If I think about how it all started, I realize how different I am. I started with a small idea of what I should have faced and learned in this program. A romantic idea of volunteering, childish and probably selfish. The first year was a fundamental part of my personal growth for different reasons. A year...
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6 amazing months volunteering with DAPP Zambia

When different cultures have the chance of meeting and working together, both sides learn and grow as human beings
By Juan Manuel (Pampa), Cristiana and Juan Arrellano, August 2018 Poverty Activist team About Mumena Child Aid and Agriculture production DAPP started the operation in Mumena in 1987, implementing a project related with youth development and production centre. Currently there are coexisting two different projects of DAPP: the agriculture production project and Child Aid Mumena. The project in Mumena is working in 8 of the 10 lines of the Child Aid projects. Some of the main activities that DAPP is developing are: supporting many families organised in Village Action Groups and youth clubs, working with 14 community preschools and 10...
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  4710 Hits
4710 Hits

Getting started as volunteers in Mozambique

An unexpected responsibility, which was bestowed upon us was the annual Olympic Games
From Oxana Morari, Paola Gomez, Solveig Niitra / Poverty Activist team February 2019 After a long travel, we finally set foot in Mozambique. We were taken to the ADPP (Humana People to People in Mozambique) Headquarters, where we received a warm welcome from the whole ADPP team. The two following days were spent participating in the building weekend, where our team of three worked together with EPF Maputo. It was then when we started to get a sense of what these next six months are going to be like for us. These were the days we spent with virtually no...
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2249 Hits

Next stop Mozambique - our team of volunteers are ready!

Our Poverty Activist team is about to leave to their 6 months service period in Mozambique !!
Our Poverty Activist team is about to leave to their 6 months service period in Mozambique !! It is a time of emotions and satisfaction feeling! In their 5 months of training they got to know better their team mates with whom they will go to the project. At this moment there are 3 teams, 1 trio and 2 duos, ready to start their service period with all the achievements they have got. One trio is going to work in DNS Macuze, North Mozambique in Zambezia province.
DNS Macuze started its activities in 2001 with the...
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  1902 Hits
1902 Hits

Climate Activists arrived in India

Our Climate Activist Team has arrived in India and being introduced to the people and the work. Yessi, Bea, Pablo and their teacher Miguel, have started to visit different projects run by Humana People to People India (HPPI) to work hand in hand with this organization that is the partner of CICD and a very nice host for our volunteers.
This organisation has been working in India for more than 20 years, creating development through the implementation of the projects that aim at transferring knowledge, skills and capacity to individuals who need assistance; integrated projects in...
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  1928 Hits
1928 Hits

David Attenborough about the Climate Crisis: 'The Garden of Eden is no more'

  Speech from Chrystal Awards in Davos, January 2019 “ Thank you, Professor Klaus Schwab, Hilde Schwab and the World Economic Forum for this generous award and inviting me to Davos. I am quite literally from another age. I was born during the Holocene- the name given to the 12,000-year period of climatic stability that allowed humans to settle, farm and create civilisations. Those conditions fostered our unique minds, giving rise to international trade in ideas as well as goods making us the globally-connected species we are today. Much of what will be discussed here is the consequence of that...
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  3865 Hits
3865 Hits

My First Week as a Development Instructor

I am Solveig from Estonia and I recently turned twenty
On Monday, eight people from the previous Gaia team became Development Instructors. I am the youngest of those eight. I am Solveig from Estonia and I recently turned twenty. I arrived here in the end of September and am now a part of the February Poverty Activist team. All of us have contrasting aims for coming to England, but mine is probably a bit different from my teammates. I feel like I am not as accomplished as the people in my team. I only finished high school last year and have not really started my life as an adult yet...
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  1760 Hits
1760 Hits

On my way to Zambia!

I decided to go on a journey and become a Development Instructor in Africa.
By Zsolt Gyarmati, Hungary, Fighting with The Poor 21 months programme Earlier I had a decent job in the capital of Hungary, I rented an apartment, had a car, had friends and all the “normal” stuff. However I wasn’t satisfied with my life. So I decided to change my life maybe not permanently, but entirely. I wanted to do something meaningful in this rushing and money-centered world. My goal now is to make other people’s life better. If I can make only one single life better, I will be really happy. So I decided to go on a journey and...
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  1927 Hits
1927 Hits

Climate Activists first 7 weeks in India!

From Miguel Carvalho, former volunteer and now teacher for the Climate Activist Team (CATs)
Hello Beautiful people, I am writing to you to let you know what CATs are doing in India. I will start with the 1st group - Svenja, Letizia and Alexandra – volunteering at Biogas Project in Dausa (Rajasthan) . Beside participating in the daily routines of the project such as visiting biogas plants and participating in the meetings with local communities and facing the language barrier, this group is also in charge of creating a simple step-by-step illustrated guidebook. This guidebook contains instructions of how to build a biogas plant, as well as information about the benefits of biogas, common...
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  2315 Hits
2315 Hits

We are going for green energy at CICD!

We recently introduced our new green energy project at CICD Environmental Centre, in order to promote renewable energy in the school and also in nearby communities. Our world is on the edge of turmoil due to the limitless usage of fossil fuel, pesticides, and all sort of chemicals and waste as the final “product” of vast production. What can be possibly done to help Mother Nature carry this burden? We do organic gardening for instance; we are composting, recycling, planting trees around and customising our consumption.
Further more our new green energy project has been...
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  1840 Hits
1840 Hits

Development Instructor in Zambia

My name is Roser Maura and I am from Spain
Introduction My name is Roser Maura and I am from Spain. In 2017, I decided to become a Development Instructor (DI) and I joined CICD England in order to do the preparation period. I arrived in Zambia in August. After being in the NHQ (Ndola), and in Nakambala Approved School (Mazabuka), the plan was to go to Mumena Child Aid (Slowezi). However, we received a call suggesting that we had to change to Child Aid Nampundwe. That was my first and biggest shock, but now is the best that could have happened. The project and its implementation Child Aid Nampundwe...
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  2142 Hits
2142 Hits