
Investigation week in Marocco

EXPERIENCE IN MOROCCO from Milagros, August team 2017 We are all an important part of the world in which we live and the society, culture and country to which we belong. The hazards of destiny mark in some way the paths we take throughout our lives. Luckily or unfortunately, we should debate it, I was lucky to develop my life in one of the countries considered the first world; which does not mean that it ignores the needs and problems of the less developed countries that, to a greater or lesser extent, are the result of economic and political powers...
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  2029 Hits
2029 Hits

Dan's Story

We don’t realise how lucky we are because we just turn on the tap and we have how much water we need.
1. Who is Dan Mahulet? He is a simple 27 years old Romanian who graduated university of mechanical engeenering, and worked 4 years in retail plus on cruise ships and recently he took the decision to go to Africa to do development work. 2. Other young lads in your age are looking to build a career or to party everywhere. Why did you take the decision to go in Africa? Until one year ago I had a very nice job: I was working on cruise ships and in the same time I was travelling to some amazing places plus I...
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  2572 Hits
2572 Hits

About our work in the project “Food for Knowledge” Mozambique

Hi, we are Andrea and Marta. We are two DIs from CICD - England and we worked in Mozambique in 2017
Andrea and Marta, November team 2016 “Fighting with The Poor” Hi, we are Andrea and Marta. We are two DIs from CICD - England and we are in Mozambique since May 2017. We are working with ADPP Mozambique - FFK (“Food For Knowledge”), that is a big project that works with different activities in the province of Maputo. We had the opportunity to decide in which district we wanted to work and we choose Manhiça. Since the beginning the project gave us freedom to work in what we felt more confortable with, so we choose to work with “Clubes Escolares”....
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  2146 Hits
2146 Hits

Together we can do this

Together we can do this We want to have a future that is open for us all where it is not the 1 % who has the power Never mind skin or religion, age or nationality We've more in common than divides us anyway! Chorus: Together we can do this and together we must fight Only together do we have a chance to really put things right The farmer in Malawi, her crops ruined by the drought The homeless in the food bank queue in Hull They're casualties of capitalism, struggling to survive and they've more in common than divides...
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  2883 Hits
2883 Hits

The future needs us now

The future needs us now The future is around the corner It actually starts today It starts by you deciding That you want to have a say Stop listening to the news that fill you with hate and fear That make you feel powerless and despair Seek out the news about the hundreds of thousands of do’ers Because, you see, they are out there Stop listening to moaners and complainers Who will not do but talk and row We have not got time for it For the future needs us, and it needs us now Don’t let anyone tell you...
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  2436 Hits
2436 Hits

Climate Activist team: Green actions and Homeless Support

Climate Activists with Homeless Support in Delhi and Green Action project in Behror, India!     Our journey started on March 29st, at 7:30, we left CICD for our next chapter of programme in India. After a long day travelling in public transports, finally we arrived at Heathrow Airport in London at for the flight to Delhi at 21:00. Next day, we arrived in Delhi at 11:00. The impact was very strong because we left UK with 7 or 8º C but here was around 39º C! Our bodies started to react immediately, breathing became more difficult and our senses...
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  2121 Hits
2121 Hits

Many new challenges and many new friends

{headtag:customtag} {/headtag}  Report from 24-months Team FWTP - 03.04.2017     We arrived to DAPP Ndola, Zambia, at the end of February 2017.   Travel period will prepare you for a lot of things, but what awaited us wasn't one of them! :-) Right after the arrival day, we dived head-first to the social life. Our arrival was so carefully placed by the Mighty Random that we met all our teams from CICD in just 2 days. That wasn't enough though! – Two days after, a team from far away, from a partner school in USA, has arrived; and our colleagues...
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  2198 Hits
2198 Hits

Let the children go to school

“Let the children go to school “ – CICD travel-team investigating and helping in Malawi!   We are in the very last weeks of this 3 months travel, now we are headed to Zambia, our last destination where we will conclude the travel and finalize the Investigation.In the last two weeks we were in Malawi, more specifically in Ntchisi, a very rural area. We were making our investigation in different households and also helping the DAPP project called “Let the children go to school”. This project focuses in the children attending school and does it in many different ways. One...
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  1947 Hits
1947 Hits

Why you should join CICD - and why I did….

Ana and Ryma  About our experience in the projects, the only thing that we can tell you is that it was the experience of our life! When you decide that you want to do something like becoming a Development Instructor you need to be sure that you are prepared to change a lot of things in your life. Since we arrived here we improved a lot our English, we live surrounded by different cultures, different languages, different food, different way of living.  It is amazing the things that we learned when we lived in a community and that we then...
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  1936 Hits
1936 Hits

A night and a day in Zimbabwe

Few weeks ago, during our travel period, I faced difficulties which potentially could mean a disaster, but because of a huge support from my school, my colleagues and African people, everything resulted into just a bit spicy trip. I'd love to share this story with you.     Everything begun with a stupid stupid idea in Namibia. We have traveled from Johannesburg, South Africa, by bus to Windhoek, Namibia. By my birth outside the EU, I happen to have two nationalities, Czech and Russian, and I decided to use my Czech passport in South Africa, then switch to Russian passport...
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  2137 Hits
2137 Hits

Christmas and New Year in Children's Town in Mozambique

During the last 20 days we have been in Children’s Town in Costa do Sol, Mozambique. Many things have happened during this time. We had Christmas celebration, New Year’s celebration and a Peace Boat visit. I will tell you more about our time here and about Children’s Town itself… Children's Town has almost 40 children from 8 to 18 years old who live there. Most of them are orphans. In Children’s Town there is a school for the Children’s Town kids and also for the children from the community around. The school is from 1st to 7th grade. The 24th...
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  2020 Hits
2020 Hits

Meet Botswana - peaceful, safe and friendly!

Today we spoke with one of our good friends, Boyd Basuti, who is an entrepreneur, drama director and leader of a youth artistic group in Phikwe, Botswana. He and another friend from Phikwe were telling us about the safety situation in Botswana. Botswana is one of the safest countries in southern Africa. The firearms are mainly allowed only for the military; even the police uses guns very rarely. And even though there is no armed police, the crime rates are really low. Boyd explains that it's because of the culture of the people – when they hear shots, the first...
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  2823 Hits
2823 Hits

From Helena in Zamfam project, Zambia

People are kind, available and always ready to receive us ... They are fantastic!
The “Zamfam Project” (Zambian Family Project) is a recent project being implemented by Development Aid from People to People  (DAPP), together with "Creative", "Kafhi" and "NZPT", with funds and technical support from the American People through USAID.    The aim of this project is to improve the quality of the people's life, in the villages, in communities ….and especially for the children. For example by supporting, protecting and reinforcing the importance of basic hygiene and health conditions for a better and more dignified life. In this project several points are fundamental: To make communities aware of the importance of latrines,...
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  2295 Hits
2295 Hits

Back at CICD after 6 months in Namibia – from Adriana, Ana and Andre

This is a very weird feeling that we are having, returning to CICD. It’s like nothing changed since we left in May but, at the same time, it’s completely different. There are new people, new students, new teams, same spirit, same habits and same routine and same people also. Since the moment we came back we felt comfortable here, we know all the spaces and all the responsibilities and tasks that came with CICD life. We also feel that we are different, something as changed during our period in Namibia. We still don’t know exactly what but, in fact, there...
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  2073 Hits
2073 Hits

Namibia – a Country of contrasts

It took us 49 hours to arrive to DAPP school in Outapi from Johannesburg. Now, 8 days later, we depart from Oshakati, in a 2 days travel to Botswana. It was not a long time but it was enough to have strong impressions and some conclusions for our “Woman and Children conditions and status” investigation. Here in the North we could see a bit of the Namibian reality. We saw the colors of the country, the smiles, the open arms and also the poverty, the sad side of all, the darkness. It is a quite desert area, here in the...
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  2286 Hits
2286 Hits

How to change your Life in 2 simple years

On the 9 th of October 2014, I stepped into the unknown as I arrived in CICD. I had my ideas of what the experience would bring, my doubts, hesitations and hopes. During my stay here, all those things I brought with me in my mind were turned upside down and sideways for good measure. Today is the 11 th of November 2016 so I have spent here just over 2 years, in the midst of the Yorkshire fields and strange but wonderful international people. When I first stepped foot into CICD I was honestly quite terrified. I had left...
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  2048 Hits
2048 Hits

The Importance of Doing Studies, by Ana Cornélio

When your study & preparation period begins, you will start to study some interesting subject like the Contemporary World, Health, The Rich and the Poor, Expressive Arts, and more. Most of this knowledge that you will receive you will put in practise during the 6 months project-period in Africa or India. As a DI (Development Instructor) I was working in a SAARAI PROJECT – a project for family planning. Here I needed to be able to talk about the importance of planning your family, able to talk about contraceptive methods and some of the diseases that you can get if...
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  2024 Hits
2024 Hits

From Ryma about Journal period

Hello! I’m Ryma, a DI from the 18 months program.  The project that I chose was Child Aid Chibombo. I chose this project because we can work in many areas like pre-schools, clinics, agriculture, Women’s club, Youth club…there is always something to do in the communities. Me and my team felt really welcome in the communities and in the projects,  we felt like with family. We learned a lot from them, especially things from daily life that we never realized - for example how to repair a bicycle in a very easy way. How simple things can become so important...
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  2074 Hits
2074 Hits

First Report from Climate Activists Team - August 2016

Humana People to People India NeTT Ujjain Report of Climate Activist Team College for International Co-operation and Development, UK   From 17 to 21 of September of 2016 We arrive around midday in New Delhi, after we took a taxi to NHQ where we receive a good welcome from Cristina (Project Leader), Louise and some workers from HPPI. After Cristina invited us to her house to take some food and rest a little bit. After we take a walk around and we met IDIs from Norway School who guide us to the IDIs apartment where we stayed a couple of...
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  1956 Hits
1956 Hits

My first week as a DI by Danail

Hello from Danail . After six months Gaia period , (in which I had many unforgettable moments) I was super excited. The feeling was strange, but in the best sense. In the upcoming five months in which I will enrich my knowledge about issues which are interesting for me: -where the problems in modern society come from; -how to solve them; -how to overcome poverty; -how to protect our planet and the wildlife in it. All these issues need addressing. I cannot tell you everything that happened in those five days, as I fear that might be boring for you,...
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  1967 Hits
1967 Hits