
Mis experiencias personales en el CICD

Mis experiencias personales en el CICD
Por Akos Koncs, Hungría / Equipo de activistas contra la pobreza- Febrero 2024 De niño era un entusiasta de África. Leí muchos cuentos de cazadores-escritores del siglo XIX, me parecieron muy románticos. Más tarde mi interés pasó de la belleza natural africana a la sociedad africana y esto fue lo que me empujó a estudiar antropología cultural en la universidad. Pero al tener mi diploma en mis manos experimenté una decepción porque en mi país no hay programas para África. Hungría nunca tuvo colonias en ninguna parte, tal vez por eso no teníamos muchos programas de ayuda a este continente....
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Minhas experiências pessoais no CICD

Minhas experiências pessoais no CICD
Minhas experiências pessoais no CICD Por Akos Koncs, Hungria / Equipe de ativistas da pobreza fevereiro de 2024 Quando criança, eu era um entusiasta da África. Li muitas histórias de caçadores-escritores do século XIX, achei muito romântico. Mais tarde, meu interesse se voltou da beleza natural africana para a sociedade africana, e foi isso que me levou a estudar antropologia cultural na universidade. Mas ter o meu diploma nas mãos senti uma desilusão, porque no meu país não há programas para África. A Hungria nunca teve colónias em lado nenhum, talvez por isso não tivémos muitos programas de ajuda a...
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¿Cómo protegemos a los más pobres del cambio climático?

¿Cómo protegemos a los más pobres del cambio climático?
Por Kelvin Rodrigues, Equipo de Voluntarios de Desarrollo Octubre 2023 ¿CÓMO PROTEGEMOS A LOS MÁS POBRES DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO? Mis consideraciones mientras trabajaba con el proyecto Juventud en Acción en Zambia y estudiaba el Informe del PNUD 2021 sobre la situación mundial de la pobreza. El Cambio Climático es inevitable, pues el clima en la tierra ya no es el mismo y ha ido dando indicios de que es solo el principio y que el futuro será extremo en cuanto a la variación de temperaturas, lluvias y sequías extremas. La tierra está enferma, los síntomas están por todas partes. Los...
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Como proteger os mais pobres das mudanças climáticas?

Como proteger os mais pobres das mudanças climáticas?
Por Kelvin Rodrigues, Equipe de Voluntários de Desenvolvimento Outubro 2023 Como proteger os mais pobres das mudanças climáticas? Minhas considerações ao trabalhar com o projeto Juventude em Ação na Zâmbia e estudar o Relatório do PNUD 2021 sobre a situação global da pobreza. As alterações climáticas são inevitáveis, pois o clima na Terra já não é o mesmo e tem dado indicações de que é apenas o começo e que o futuro será extremo no que diz respeito à variação de temperaturas, chuvas e secas extremas. A terra está doente, os sintomas estão por toda parte. Os responsáveis por medidas...
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84 Hits

We hear the calls and we join them....from People to People

We protect the planet, build communities and support people
The Federation Humana People to People, Annual Report 2023 Welcome note from Snorre Vestgaard, Chair: FROM PEOPLE TO PEOPLE The calls to end the war on people, to stop the killings, to protect the children, to cease targeting hospitals and schools, to let in the aid. We hear them, and we join them. They are also our calls. You who hold the powers to stop the atrocities, do it. In the meanwhile, we continue our work to build communities, build relations, build resilience together with the people. Some need resilience here and now, others build resilience for an uncertain future, for...
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Programa de Becas Gaia

Programa de Becas Gaia
Recauda una beca para cubrir las tasas de tu curso! El Programa de Becas Gaia es una combinación de estudios teóricos y tareas prácticas. Junto con el equipo, aumentas tu beca apoyando a la escuela en estas áreas. * Proyecto de reciclaje de ropa y calzado * Jardín, granja y parque * Mantenimiento de nuestros edificios * Comercialización y matrícula de nuevos estudiantes Dependiendo de la disponibilidad, puedes unirte al equipo de Gaia de 2 1/2 a 6 meses. De esta manera, puede obtener una beca para el pago completo de las tarifas del curso o parte de ellas. El...
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110 Hits

Voluntariado en el Caribe - Programa para Activistas Climáticos

Voluntariado en el Caribe - Programa para Activistas Climáticos
¿Quieres .... - Conocer las causas de la crisis climática y qué se puede hacer para mitigarla - Estudiar y trabajar junto con personas de ideas afines de todo el mundo - Actuar y realizar voluntario por un mundo mejor ¡Entonces este programa es para ti! Los periodos del programa Activista por el Clima • 3 meses en CICD. Estudios, investigaciones y formación práctica para preparar los próximos 3 meses • 3 meses de voluntariado con Richmond Vale Academy y comunidades en San Vicente y las Granadinas. • 1 mes de vuelta en CICD para concluir y compartir tus experiencias....
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Voluntariado en África o India: programa de 12 meses

Voluntariado en África e India, marca la diferencia en tu año sabático
Voluntariado en África e India, marca la diferencia en tu año sabático Estructura del programa • 5 meses: Formación en el CICD de Inglaterra • 6 meses: Voluntariado en un país africano o en la India • 1 mes : Período de conclusión en CICD en Inglaterra Período Uno: 5 meses de formación en el CICD de Inglaterra La primera parte del curso se basa aquí en el CICD. Aquí te unirás a un equipo de otras personas jóvenes o más maduras de todo el mundo, formándote para ser Instructores de Desarrollo. Los preparativos son tanto teóricos como prácticos. Los...
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Voluntariado na África ou Índia: programa de 12 meses

Voluntariado na África ou Índia no seu Gap Year!
Faça a diferença no seu Gap Year! O programa Poverty Activist (Ativista contra a Pobreza) consiste em 12 meses: • 5 meses: Treinamento no CICD na Inglaterra • 6 meses: Voluntariado em um país africano ou na Índia • 1 mês : Período de conclusão no CICD na Inglaterra Primeiro Periodo: 5 meses de treinamento no CICD na Inglaterra A primeira parte do curso acontece aqui no CICD. Aqui você se juntará a uma equipe com estudantes vindos de diferentes paises, treinando para serem Instrutores de Desenvolvimento. Os preparativos são teóricos e práticos. Os estudos incluirão áreas como assuntos globais,...
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Programa de Bolsas Gaia

The Gaia team helps with repairing collection boxes
Aumente uma bolsa de estudos para as taxas do seu curso! O Programa de Bolsas Gaia é uma combinação de estudos teóricos e tarefas práticas. Junto com a equipe, você levanta sua bolsa apoiando a escola nessas áreas: * Projeto de reciclagem de roupas e calçados * Jardim fazenda e parque * Manutenção de nossos prédios * Marketing e matrícula de novos alunos Dependendo da disponibilidade, você pode se juntar à equipe Gaia de 2 1/2 - 6 meses. Dessa forma, você pode levantar uma bolsa de estudos para as taxas completas do curso ou parte delas. O nome do...
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Voluntário no Caribe - Programa de 7 meses Ativista pelo Clima

Climate Activists with Richmond Vale Academy at St Vincent
Você quer .... - Saiba mais sobre as causas da crise climática e o que pode ser feito para mitigá-la - Estude e trabalhe em conjunto com pessoas com ideias semelhantes de todo o mundo - Agir e ser voluntário por um mundo melhor Então este programa é para você! Os períodos do programa Climate Activist: • 3 meses no CICD. Estudos, investigações e treinamento prático para se preparar para os próximos 3 meses • 3 meses de voluntariado com a Richmond Vale Academy e comunidades em São Vicente e Granadinas. • 1 mês de volta ao CICD para concluir...
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68 Hits

Learning from reality - investigation about poverty in England

Diana and some of the team together with Claire, volunteer at Foster's Pub - one of the hubs for food distribution in Hull
By Diana Heinfarth, Hungary, Poverty Activist team February 2024 My team and I were given the task of conducting research on real problems in our society. We chose to investigate poverty in England. In the UK, more than 22 % of the population were living in poverty in 2022/23 – that’s 13.4 million people. This included: - 8.1 million (or around 2 in 10) working-age adults - 4.2 million (or nearly 3 in 10) children - 2.1 million (or around 1 in 6) pensioners. During our investigation, we delved into the following topics: - What is the extent of immigration...
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Living in community - part of our training

Andrea with 2 team mates in the Building Weekend
By Andrea Barreto, Brazil - Development Volunteer team April 2024 At another time in my life, before CICD, I had other experiences living in a community, in Buddhist centers. Especially at the beginning here, I felt a similar sensation, a certain similarity in the routine and the energy. From my point of view, everything starts with the motivation of the community's members. In the Buddhist center, the motivation was to study, practice, and pray for the well-being of all beings. At CICD, I believe it is the preparation for volunteer work in the African continent and, in a way, to...
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My responsibility area: Grass & Wood

Driving Fred and measuring the path to cut
By Sebastián Rey, Development Volunteer team, April 2024 My responsibility area is "Grass and wood". It's an experience to value the work in the countryside. Every Wednesday, I step out of the desk, put on my boots, and dress in warm clothing. The meeting to receive instructions is at 9:00, and we are five minutes late. After listening carefully and asking a few questions, I'm ready to start my first day driving Fred, a 1973 Massey Ferguson tractor. It is the biggest machine at the school. Though it has lost the streetlights, mirrors, and some glass panels, and its doors...
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My personal experiences at CICD

Akos in action in our organic garden farm
By Akos Koncs, Hungary / Poverty Activist team February 2024 As a child I was an enthusiast for Africa. I read lots of stories by hunter-writers from the XIX century, I found it very romantic. Later my interest turned from the African natural beauty to the African society, and this was what pushed me to study cultural anthropology in the university. But getting my diploma in my hands I experienced disappointment, because in my country there are no programmes for Africa. Hungary never had any colonies anywhere, maybe this is why we had not much aid programmes to this continent....
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239 Hits

Our programme is a bird - it needs both wings to fly

Edson at the edge of CICD-s big park
By Edson Eduardo, Brazil, Development Volunteer team April 2024 Going to Africa, making a difference, helping people, communities and schools, volunteering, learning new cultures and sharing knowledge is undoubtedly the desire of many students who arrive at CICD for the 10 and 12 month programmes. Sometimes the fear of the new is mixed with the desire to go to the African continent straight away and embark on this adventure, a real mix of emotions and feelings. But you have to remember that it takes one step at a time, everything has its own time. Studies and learning is needed as...
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My first 45 days at CICD!

Jose enjoying time with his team at CICD!
By José Becerra, Gaia Team I arrived to CICD one month and a half ago. Has this period been long? Has it been short? Why or how? Forty five days sounds like the first half of a long football match; each day a minute. It is a perfect moment to look back and enjoy. As an old vinyl record, this article will have an A-side and B-side. The A-side Occasionally I would like to pause my life, so time won’t continue absorbing me towards the road of death. Perhaps it is a very tricky formulation, but I suppose many people feel...
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788 Hits

The new me: Carla as a teacher!

Carla with students preparing live event on Facebook
By Carla Barrado, Team Teacher I knew that I did not want to continue being part of this capitalist and consumerist society in which what you do has no value and in which you normally work for someone making that company or that someone grow economically. Therefore I thought that taking this adventure of working as a teacher at 'Another Kind of School' would give me the opportunity to work with others and with myself, not for others and draining myselft to get the profit for others. And every day the phrase 'work with what you like and you will...
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1145 Hits

How do we protect the poorest from Climate Change?

Youth in Action group learning about waste management
By Kelvin Rodrigues, Development Volunteer team October 2023 HOW DO WE PROTECT THE POOREST FROM CLIMATE CHANGE? My considerations while working with Youth in Action project in Zambia, and studying the UNDP Report 2021 on the global situation of poverty. Climate Change is inevitable, as the climate on earth is no longer the same and it has been giving indications that it is only the beginning and that the future will be extreme with regard to the variation of temperatures, rains and extreme droughts. The land is sick, the symptoms are everywhere. Those responsible for incisive measures to reduce the...
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My journey from Hungary to Zambia

By Jeanette Fall, Poverty Activist team February 2023 My name is Jeanette. I'm 45 years old economist. I have worked in the finance department all in my life, in various positions during the last 20 years...so I could try to do almost everything possible there. I am also the proud mother of two grown boys whom I raised alone. In August 2022, I made a big decision – that is after the fact I can say it was a very good one - and joined the CICD 6+12-month program. What did this mean in my case? 6 months Gaia period,...
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