
The adventures of Bupe and Mapalo...in Italy!

Hi everyone, Marje and Kevin here again. If you haven’t yet, check out our experience in Zambia, where we were for 6 months, working in the National Headquarters of DAPP. You can also read our complete report for the entire project period. Anyway, to get back on track. We recently travelled to Italy for the first part of our journal period a.k.a, bringing it to the public. During the journal period your aim is to take your experience at the projects to as many interested people as possible. To do that we decided to travel to Italy and hold 3...
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  2236 Hits
2236 Hits

From Winestead to Africa to the Caribbean by David Christian

  My story and I at CICD My name is David Christian, from Rochdale near Manchester. I was a DI at CICD – the 14 months DI programme in March 2011. My project was at One World University in Mozambique, where my main tasks were the library, promotion and teaching English. My first experience in a developing country; the challenges were motivating the students, communicating in Portuguese, plus coping with the lack of running water, electricity and the comfort of my old life. This is what I wanted, to change myself in this aspect; no longer remaining in my comfort...
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  2055 Hits
2055 Hits

I miss Zambia already...

I miss Zambia already...
My name is Maryssol and to talk about the six months in Zambia is a challenging thing to do, both the bad and good things that happened are going to stay with me forever. I think going to Zambia as a volunteer it was one of my best experiences until now and I just loved it. I thought that as I was born in a poor African country (Cape Verde) I was ready for anything when it comes to the challenges of Africa. But for sure I was wrong. I confess that in the beginning it was hard to be...
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  1958 Hits
1958 Hits

Why can't people just agree to make a better world? - Gaia Team Study Weekend May 2016

In my group's presentation we were talking about how the money affects our way of life
The 7th-8th May we had the monthly Gaia Study Weekend in our school. During this period, the subject that all the Gaia’s were working with was: “Why can’t people just agree to make a better world?”. To work with this question we split the class in 5 groups and we tried to focus our presentations on “What are the most important factors that are the hindrances for people to joining hands? ”. After sharing our opinion with the rest of the students, we established 5 factors as the most influencial factors in our society: Money Greed Comfort Education Fear In...
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  2041 Hits
2041 Hits

Volunteering at the Peace Conference 2016 in Tvind, Denmark - by Mirella Ka.

Peace Conference was a 3 day event, which took place from 29th of April till 1st of May in Tvind campus, nearby a town called Ulfborg, Denmark. Around 50 volunteers from various countries in Europe gathered to make it happen during a 3-day long Preparation Camp. Around 350 people attended the event as both participants and guests. Tvind is a place where a windmill (Tvindkraft) was built by students and teachers between 1974 – 1978 as a sign of protest against nuclear power. Students and volunteers from CICD had the pleasure and responsability to take part in the Preparation Camp...
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  1996 Hits
1996 Hits

My years after the programme - by Mel

2 years ago I was starting the journey that changed my life! 2 years ago I left my house, my hometown, my country, my family, my first Love, my very first tribe... 2 years ago I started to choose my own path, in my own way... During 7 months I met extraordinary people, inspiring, strong, crazy international volunteers. During that time I met community life and adapted myself to it. was not very easy, I have always been very stuborn, but my new tribe made me grab The Dream so so strongly that the next 6 months were with Africa...
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  2104 Hits
2104 Hits

Building a team

Building a team is much like building a house. You need good support for the house/team to stand strong, strong walls/companions to help you stay warm in even the coldest situations, windows for light/fun and many other things. That is why a team has to be built slowly and with great care. If you just throw all of these things together you will not get a house, but a pile of rubble. A house/ team built too fast and carelessly will fall and collapse. But if you go slow and put the pieces together brick by brick, you can build...
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  2156 Hits
2156 Hits

My plea to the people of Israel: Liberate yourselves by liberating Palestine - Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, in an exclusive article for Haaretz, calls for a global boycott of Israel and urges Israelis and Palestinians to look beyond their leaders for a sustainable solution to the crisis in the Holy Land. The past weeks have witnessed unprecedented action by members of civil society across the world against the injustice of Israel’s disproportionately brutal response to the firing of missiles from Palestine. If you add together all the people who gathered over the past weekend to demand justice in Israel and Palestine – in Cape Town, Washington, D.C., New York, New Delhi, London, Dublin...
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  1932 Hits
1932 Hits

The crisis is a conscious strategy for social demolition - Interview with Boaventura de Sousa Santosis

The world today is facing a deep crisis. Yet at the same time, the neo liberal growth model is still presented as the only possible option. The Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos exposes the myth and made it his life’s mission to build an epistemology of alternatives. "It’s time to open the doors and windows of our universities and let the wind of alternative knowledge blow through", says de Sousa. Boaventura de Sousa Santosis is a monument in the social sciences. He is head of department of Sociology at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, but spends most of the...
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  1975 Hits
1975 Hits

To make the dreams become reality requires a decision

To make the dreams become reality requires a decision, persistence and the place of opportunities. Carla and I found this place in England at CICD, where we have had the opportunity to change our lifestyle and go forward to the life we want to live. Our main targets were to know better the world we live in and to help those in need in the developing countries. After one year of studies and preparations in the school, where we have got knowledge about history, politics and a general understanding of the world around us, we could get a little piece...
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  1978 Hits
1978 Hits

I'm Veronika

I am Veronika (29) from Hungary and I was DI in Mozambique, Cabol Delgado, Biibiza in 2010-2011. First I had to raise fund to DI course therefore I participated in the GAIA course where mainly I was painting containers and could start as a DI in March (March team 2010). During I was a DI, I became the best fundraiser and I tried to teach the others. My secret was to smile and do not give up, just look deeply in the eyes of the people and they will stop. In October all of my team members succeed to raise...
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  2084 Hits
2084 Hits

A letter for everyone who's thinking to join CICD

Hi everyone My name is Ana and I come from Portugal. I’ve joined CICD in April 2011, starting with Gaia program and later joining Development Instructor 14 month’s program with placement in Mozambique. The moment I found CICD I knew I had to go for it. I had graduated in Tourism two months before and I was definitely looking for something rather different than getting a regular job. I knew there was something more out there than starting the “real adult life”. I’ve always thought of joining a mission one day, but that thought was never that close to happen....
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  2066 Hits
2066 Hits

In the palm of our hands....

Take my hand - and open your eyes    This is our land – and this is our skies! Take my hand - together we go   In this world - a lot to sow Seeds that come from deep in our hearts To sow right is a piece of art! Dirt and rubbish are flowing all over The flowers we plant can hardly cover We live in “one World” share the sea and the air Powerful humans think of profit and do not care! Life in our Oceans are under serious threat – Great “Pacific Plastic Garbage Patches” float in the...
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  2030 Hits
2030 Hits

The right decision!

see good people trying hard and in a completely different way to make a change.
One day I woke up in a different room, in a different bed, in a different country. The day before I had changed my life forever. Without knowing I have chosen the path that would make me (re)do my existence and attitude about life and people. CICD… Here every single day is a challenge. You are tested in several completely different occasions comparing with what you are used to. I believe that only the ones who experiment this kind of life understand what it really means to live in a community. You are used to do less than you have...
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  2169 Hits
2169 Hits

The Biggest Windmill by David Rovics

Click here to enjoy the song on Youtube:
  It was in the 1970s, the fuel crisis had begun The choices were presented to us as if we had none Leaders of industry said they could solve the problem By mastering the power of the radioactive atom Some folks in western Jutland got a notion in their heads They thought there might be something they could offer up instead A few hundred people gathered in a little place called Tvind And declared their will to harness the power of the wind   They said we're gonna build the biggest windmill...
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  2067 Hits
2067 Hits

The Nature of Truth – Part of the Nobel Lecture by Harold Pinter

Here yet another example of abuse of power from the world’s strongest nations. Disguised as a fight for saving democracy and for protecting the West against chemical warfare…. Click on the links below:
  1818 Hits
1818 Hits

Harold Pinter - Against the War

This is a speech by Harold Pinter that he made in 2005, regarding the bombings by NATO of Serbia in 1999. This is an example of a vastly superior power (in this case NATO) abusing this power outside international law and United Nations. These bombings were presented by US and UK leaders at the time as “a defense of civilization” and as being “morally imperative” – but in fact, according to Harold Pinter and many others, this was a bandit action and a war crime. Click on the link below to read the full article: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/1999/05/pint-m07.html Click on the link below...
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  2179 Hits
2179 Hits

The DmM System

The idea of the DmM computer based programme The DmM System (Determination of Modern Methods) is a digital programme, and one of the tools in the interactive method of education used at CICD. This system puts you - the student - in charge of your own studies. Where traditional teaching methods are often organising the teacher as the master and the student as the apprentice, the DmM empowers both the subject, the student and the teacher. The subject is identified specifically and categorised as one unit of information instead of being a part of the usual and continuous stream of...
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  2120 Hits
2120 Hits

"We Shall Overcome": Remembering Folk Icon, Activist Pete Seeger in His Own Words & Songs

The legendary folk singer and activist Pete Seeger died Monday at the age of 94. For nearly seven decades, Seeger was a musical and political icon who helped create the modern American folk music movement. We air highlights of two appearances by Seeger on Democracy Now!, including one of his last television interviews recorded just four months ago. Interspersed in the interviews, Seeger sings some of his classic songs, "We Shall Overcome," "If I Had a Hammer" and "Where Have All the Flowers Gone." He also talks about what has been described as his “defiant optimism.” "Realize that little things lead...
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  1908 Hits
1908 Hits

What if we change - Hope in a Changing Climate by John D. Liu

A major project is restoring fertility and hope to China's Loess Plateau, until recently one of the poorest regions of the country. Centuries of continuous agriculture have removed the trees and leaving land vulnerable to erosion from wind and rain. An area the size of Belgium, its once fertile soils have been washed away, leaving a blighted land scarred with deep ravines - and farmers scarcely able to make a living. According to soil scientist John D. Liu of the Environmental Education Media Project (EEMP), it's a story repeated all over the world. For 15 years John has been following a...
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  2130 Hits
2130 Hits