
Why I love permaculture!

Raised permaculture beds give intensive organic production
By Melanie Pita, Climate Activist team teacher Hi there. I just came here to write a bit about Permaculture as it is one of my favorite topics. Like the name itself says permaculture is a permanent culture. The main goal of it is to create a perfect ecosystem where everything works like it was a cycle, a living being cycle. Permaculture is not just a way of growing food. Permaculture to an extent is a way of life. We, humans, the ones starting out on applying permaculture techniques, are also part of it all, in the beginning it requires a lot of...
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About the struggle against extracting oil and gas in East Yorkshire

West Newton, courtesy of Hull Daily Mail
In the middle of the beautiful and peaceful Yorkshire landscape, hunters for profit and fossil fuels have found some very big oil and gas deposits. During the last 8 years, there have been several attempts to start bigger scale fracking or acidisation, and drilling for oil and gas here, but they have met a fierce resistance from the local people. One extraction site in West Newton was closed down after leakage of poisonous chemicals, but now the company is trying to get started again in a neighboring location. Until very recently there was a Monitoring Protection Camp that was manned...
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Teachers changing the world

You need to investigate other realities to become a good teacher
Education is the key to create change Education is the key when we want to create a positive future. The key to reducing poverty, to eliminating gender inequality, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace ….. The world needs passionate teachers who are willing and able to act and stand up for the people. Teachers who understand that the world can be a better place for all its living beings. Teachers who teach about the power of community and who can inspire by example. So to be a teacher is really one...
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People's Exam: Investigations and actions for local sustainability

Climate Activists preparing soil for raised beds
At CICD we have close to a negative carbon foot-print, because of our clothes and shoes recycling project. But we want to become much more sustainable in more areas. The slogan "Think global - act local" says it all -  this is exactly what we practice with our programmes and in the daily life here at the college. We are Another Kind of School - and we also have another kind of exams. It's called a People's Exam. Instead of a panel of experts in a possibly quite narrow field, the exam-board is everyone at the school – all who...
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Noemi's story - working in Mozambique and perspectives on development

Noemi is teacher for the Gaia team, she arrived to CICD in October 2015
Aitana asked Noemi to tell a little about her life and her experiences from Mozambique. I’m Noemi, I come from Romania, from the part of Transylvania and I studied social work. I always had a special attraction to Africa, I knew that one day I will go and work there. When I was 3 years old I wanted to become a pediatrician so I could go and help the kids in Africa. To become a pediatrician you need biology and chemistry but I didn't have teachers who could give me the desire to learn and understand these disciplines, so I...
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Dinner from our own production - a window to the future....

Our Climate Activist team were busy in the kitchen
The Climate Activist team invited all of us for a fantastic dinner earlier in the week...it was beautiful, really tasty and well prepared...and: made only from what we have grown in our garden farm: pumpkins, courgettes, different vegetables, potatoes, herbs and chicken! The only exception was a bit of oil, salt and some lemons! To eat this together was truly double happiness - we could enjoy a meal with no chemicals, no plastic waste from the packaging, no air miles transporting it here, the chicken healthy without added hormones...Mmmm! It felt very good that it is possible! Because this points...
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An African night at CICD

Our team organised a fantastic evening for all the school!
By Daniela Morales, Poverty Activist October team 2020 That's right ... it's amazing how in five words (An African Night at CICD) you can summarise in a simple way what a whole week of dedication and teamwork organising an event at school was. But, how did the idea of organising an event emerge, who organised it, how was it to manage and organise it? In this short text I will explain a little more about the life and activities that we develop as students (DI’s, as we say) at our school. When you start your training period or preparation for...
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Do you want to run with me?

Good morning from rural East Yorkshire!
Since I arrived here at CICD, I feel as if many moments of the day are acquiring more value thanks to the sharing of them with other people and I'm very grateful for that. There is a place in Yorkshire, lost between the fields and the English farms, able to recreate that harmony between man and nature that today seems to have been lost. Here you can walk alongside the trees with squirrels, rabbits and, when you’re lucky, roe deer. Peace and silence accompany you throughout the day, especially in the early morning or late at night. In the midst...
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Why I decided to volunteer

Edoardo's team went for a trip to the ocean near the school
WHY I DECIDED TO VOLUNTEER We say we love Nature, but do we really care about it? We say we love people, but do we know what is going on around the world? Do we know something about pollution, hunger, slavery, illnesses, forced prostitution and child abuse? Maybe we know a lot of things, maybe we can watch a touching doumentary and feel deep emotions for an hour or two, but then we always go back to our little structured reality made of work, family, hobbies and stuff. I was growing up between school, family and friends, struggling with what...
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From the corporate world to adventure, new learning and doing good - Margaritas story

Margarita and her team mate Vasile together with a school class in India
Hello! I am Margarita, the result of a love between Colombia and Spain, a person curious about the world, an admirer of the different and a believer in human kindness. I am writing to share my story and encourage you if at any time you decide to take a different step in life. I grew up in the country of magical realism, a place for which I feel immensely grateful for having given me love, study and work at times when it was not always easy. After working more than 10 years in the corporate world and with great achievements,...
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My personal journey as a Development Instructor

Together to create change for the better, CICD people come from many different countries and back grounds
My personal journey as a Development Instructor with CICD My name is Agustina Bastías Solis, I am 28 years old and I am from Chile. I am currently at CICD waiting to restart my program that was interrupted in Botswana due to Covid 19, although my trip started much earlier. Before coming to CICD in July 2019, I was working in my country as a psychologist in programs related to the protection and the restitution of the rights of children with difficult backgrounds. At that time, my motivation for volunteering was related to acquiring new work experiences and growing personally...
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Access to clean water is a human right - World Water Week

Water is necessary in preventing Covid19 and other diseases
World Water Week 2020 Accelerating action for water and climate change! Water is the fundamental source for human development; from nature-based solutions to socio-economic development and human resilience. Water is a key enabler. In fact, water is life! Humana People to People joins the rest of the world in celebrating World Water Week 2020. The five-day event, themed “Water and Climate Change – Accelerating Action”, will focus on innovation, science and all the necessary actions to achieve a climate-resilient future. World Water Week 2020 will be commemorated from 24 - 28 August 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated...
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My summer job with vulnerable youngsters in Tvind, Denmark

The Tvind schools have a wonderful park
An unexpected summer experience! By Sara Simson, Poverty Activist teacher at CICD My first experience as a Development Instructor (DI) teacher in CICD has been unusual; due to the pandemic my team and I, as all the rest of the world, were really affected by it. Our program had to change and we needed to readapt our life and activities to it. It wasn`t easy for any of us, but together we organised a new routine. Adapting to another daily life As everything else in the program, even the date of the travel to Africa had to change. The start...
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New experiences in CICD's garden farm

Thomas in the middle of his green production site
Hey! My name is Tomás Cunha, I’m 25 years old and come from Portugal. I’m the current responsible for the garden here at CICD. I first arrived at this college almost 9 months ago. I had just finished my masters in Evolutionary Biology back in Lisbon. After several years of studies, I knew I wanted to experience something different from my reality until then. Something that pushed me a bit away from the course of actions I was taking. I needed to learn more about the world and also about me and what I want. I lived a quite privileged...
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Development in solidarity, from People to People

  Introducing: Humana People to People progress report 2019! Humana People to People is a network of development organisations on 5 continents, in 45 countries and involving 12 million people on a daily basis – working together to create better health, education and living conditions. Humana People to People has been in action for more than 40 years and in spite of the Covid pandemic, they are certainly not “on hold” - but are providing communities and schools with Covid19 support: information, advice, food, access to water and soap, production of face masks - in their work all over the...
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The new world rises in the East

The empire of the west is declining, a new world rises in the east
The PeaceJustice Conference This conference is organised every spring in Denmark, by our sister schools DNS Tvind and DRH Lindersvold. This year, it was of course online....and we were around 100 people participating – small groups in several schools in Norway, Denmark and England and also participants in many other parts of the world. It was a very inspiring event – and the high light was a lecture: "The new world rises in the East" by Jan Oberg - author, peace researcher and photographer. He held an exciting lecture, presenting his visions for what we can expect to happen in...
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The era of the Anthropocene has arrived

To have a sustainable society we need clean energy. And a society that is not based on economic growth.
By Alvaro Valdebenito Sanhueza, Chile 10 month Development Volunteer team, August 2019 The environmental struggle It has been a custom to think that the struggle about climate change is related with a couple of environmentalist hippies or a small groups of eccentric young people that want to get attention with their new style of life, as the vegeta...
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