
About the struggle against extracting oil and gas in East Yorkshire

West Newton, courtesy of Hull Daily Mail
In the middle of the beautiful and peaceful Yorkshire landscape, hunters for profit and fossil fuels have found some very big oil and gas deposits. During the last 8 years, there have been several attempts to start bigger scale fracking or acidisation, and drilling for oil and gas here, but they have met a fierce resistance from the local people. One extraction site in West Newton was closed down after leakage of poisonous chemicals, but now the company is trying to get started again in a neighboring location. Until very recently there was a Monitoring Protection Camp that was manned...
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  1991 Hits
1991 Hits

The era of the Anthropocene has arrived

To have a sustainable society we need clean energy. And a society that is not based on economic growth.
By Alvaro Valdebenito Sanhueza, Chile 10 month Development Volunteer team, August 2019 The environmental struggle It has been a custom to think that the struggle about climate change is related with a couple of environmentalist hippies or a small groups of eccentric young people that want to get attention with their new style of life, as the vegeta...
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  3865 Hits
3865 Hits

What can we do – you and me - to fight Climate Change and Global Warming?

he IPCC report from 2018 stated that we have a window of 12 years to take drastic action to cut down our CO2 emissions
The IPCC report from 2018 stated that we have a window of 12 years to take drastic action to cut down our CO2 emissions. If we don't succeed, and the earth keeps warming more, the consequences will be extreme and difficult to live in and survive, for most people and for the rest of the natural world. There are already thousands of species that have gone extinct. According to science, we have 11 years left to prevent these extreme conditions. However, new reports are saying that the political steps to enable the cuts to carbon to take place will have...
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  3279 Hits
3279 Hits

David Attenborough about the Climate Crisis: 'The Garden of Eden is no more'

  Speech from Chrystal Awards in Davos, January 2019 “ Thank you, Professor Klaus Schwab, Hilde Schwab and the World Economic Forum for this generous award and inviting me to Davos. I am quite literally from another age. I was born during the Holocene- the name given to the 12,000-year period of climatic stability that allowed humans to settle, farm and create civilisations. Those conditions fostered our unique minds, giving rise to international trade in ideas as well as goods making us the globally-connected species we are today. Much of what will be discussed here is the consequence of that...
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  4014 Hits
4014 Hits

We are going for green energy at CICD!

We recently introduced our new green energy project at CICD Environmental Centre, in order to promote renewable energy in the school and also in nearby communities. Our world is on the edge of turmoil due to the limitless usage of fossil fuel, pesticides, and all sort of chemicals and waste as the final “product” of vast production. What can be possibly done to help Mother Nature carry this burden? We do organic gardening for instance; we are composting, recycling, planting trees around and customising our consumption.
Further more our new green energy project has been...
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  1953 Hits
1953 Hits

Planet Protection Conference 6-7. October!

3 of us from CICD went to Denmark to participate in the conference at DRH Lindersvold, our sister school. We arrived at Copenhagen Airport with high expectations and enthusiasm. As we (Alessia - 3 months Climate Activist Team (CAT), Vasile - 5 months Climate Activist Team, Tamas - Teacher of 3 months CAT) were picked up and taken to the school, it was clear we could look forward to a really busy and fruitful weekend. The program started on Saturday morning with Gert Tjoelker’s welcome speech. He greeted all the participants from CICD UK, Norway school, DNS Tvind, DRH Lindersvold,...
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  1912 Hits
1912 Hits

Our Environmental Centre for a Livable Future

During the spring and summer 2018 a lot of things have happened here! Tamas who is in the lead of the Environmental Centre, explains about our visions and actions until now: At CICD we are continuously developing our Environmental Centre in order to contribute to diminishing the effects of Climate Change. Drawing attention to the changes and at the same time offering solutions decreasing it, is the main focus. Our tools are sustainability, stewardship and proper education. Multiple projects has been started up in our Environmental Centre this year: We are putting up our first solar panel and plan to...
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  1855 Hits
1855 Hits

The Biggest Windmill by David Rovics

Click here to enjoy the song on Youtube:
  It was in the 1970s, the fuel crisis had begun The choices were presented to us as if we had none Leaders of industry said they could solve the problem By mastering the power of the radioactive atom Some folks in western Jutland got a notion in their heads They thought there might be something they could offer up instead A few hundred people gathered in a little place called Tvind And declared their will to harness the power of the wind   They said we're gonna build the biggest windmill...
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  1812 Hits
1812 Hits

What if we change - Hope in a Changing Climate by John D. Liu

A major project is restoring fertility and hope to China's Loess Plateau, until recently one of the poorest regions of the country. Centuries of continuous agriculture have removed the trees and leaving land vulnerable to erosion from wind and rain. An area the size of Belgium, its once fertile soils have been washed away, leaving a blighted land scarred with deep ravines - and farmers scarcely able to make a living. According to soil scientist John D. Liu of the Environmental Education Media Project (EEMP), it's a story repeated all over the world. For 15 years John has been following a...
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  1901 Hits
1901 Hits

How to restore a rainforest by Willie Smits

By piecing together a complex ecological puzzle, biologist Willie Smits believes he has found a way to re-grow clearcut rainforest in Borneo, saving local orangutans — and creating a thrilling blueprint for restoring fragile ecosystems.   Click on the link below to watch his TED talk in Long Beach,  California from February 2009: http://www.ted.com/talks/willie_smits_restores_a_rainforest  
  1956 Hits
1956 Hits

Introduction to Gaia

The Gaia theory (or hypothesis) is, basically, the idea of the Earth as a single entity that is self-regulated. This hypothesis forms part of “Earth System” science – a set of models in which life encourages and maintains suitable conditions for its ongoing existence. The originator of this school of thought is James Lovelock. He first developed his hypothesis in the 1960s while working with NASA and published an article in the science journal, Nature. At this time he expressed the idea in words such as: “Life, or the biosphere, regulates or maintains the climate and the atmospheric composition at...
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  2314 Hits
2314 Hits