
What has Malawi taught me about time and presence? Pang’ono Pang’ono!

Small steps in the great lansdscape
By Ellen Nayara Kotai Costa. Brazil / Poverty Activist team August 2024 In my world before Malawi: From the very first moment of the day, I had to be immersed in networks of immediacy. Even when engaging in deeper reflections, everything had to be strategic to succeed— and now . To go viral. Likes, shares, metrics, studies, and absolute precision to achieve success today, tomorrow, and always. If I leave it for the next day, I’ve lost! But my tracking, my connections are missing. I lose my work. Everything is about timing! Oh, my followers! What time is it? When should...
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Graduation party inspired by Lord of the Rings!

Students receiving diplomas in Lord of the Rings style!
By Rafael Nunes & Susan Steffensen Friday the 7th of February was a big day for the whole community here at CICD. 14 students had come back to the College after the last period of “Bringing it to the Public”. They had been giving presentations for hundreds of people in 8 countries about their development work in Zambia and Malawi. Together they finished their programme with a Graduation Party where all of us, students and staff, celebrated their achievements with a special evening programme. The students got their diplomas and enjoyed the speeches, remembering a lot of common experiences and...
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A better word to a better world: let’s learn a bit of Chichewa!

Jose and Angela with Richard Mpakati, preschools supervisor, and Carol Manyawa teacher of  Mwai preschool.
By José Inocencio Becerra Lagos, Colombia / Development Volunteer team April 2024 “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart” Nelson Mandela. The first day I landed in Malawi I was very delighted. The landscapes, the people, the weather, but the energy itself that I felt in contact with the continent was awesome ( beautiful = okongola ). It gave me a big impulse to do, feel, find, whatever I wished, of course into the frames of cooperation, sustainability...
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What was it like to experience volunteering in Malawi?

By Emelli Laleska, Development Volunteer team April 2024 Malawi - one of the poorest countries in the world... Malawi is among the least developed and poorest countries in the world, with approximately 50% of the population living below the national poverty line and 25% in extreme poverty. This was the reality I expected to encounter. However, the project I was assigned to was located within one of the largest refugee camps in Africa, where the challenges were even greater. Being in direct contact with these two distinct realities—the local communities and the refugee camp—revealed not only the scarcity of resources...
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In search of a change in my life and new challenges....

Carolina decided to take on a new challenge!
By Carolina Ortiz, Colombia / Development Volunteer team October 2024 Hello everyone, I’m Carolina, from Colombia. During the last year in Colombia, I was looking for new challenges and experiences for my personal growth, especially wanting to have a different perspective on the world and on the realities that many other people live daily, and be able to help, even in a small way. While I was in this process, I came across CICD College, a place that sparked even more of my curiosity from the moment I learned about its programs and methodology, the opportunity to travel to Africa...
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5 reasons to Travel, Study and Volunteer abroad

Make friends from many different countries
By Ellen Nayara Kotai Costa, Brazil / Poverty Activist team, August 2024 It's not a surprise that traveling abroad can be a change in our lives and bring remarkable memories. But have you ever thought about travel, study and volunteering all in one experience? CICD - College for International Co-operation and Development brings this unique opportunity to people around the world. Check out the 5 best reasons to join CICD: 1. Make friends from different countries in the world CICD is in England, a country that gathers people from everywhere and this also means that you will - for sure!...
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CICD and my expectations: an honest comparison with reality

Elena and team mates out with the bikes
By Elena Modesti, Climate Activist team October 2024 If you are thinking about joining CICD, or you have already taken that decision, you might be building up some expectations in your mind. Naturally, I did too, when I decided to join. And that is why here I will share with you my thoughts and expectations - compared to what I found here at CICD, so that some of your questions might find answers and bring you closer to this experience. What will the atmosphere and nature be like? When I started imagining what the place would be like, my primary...
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My first 3 months at CICD!

By Monica Owen, Argentina I am Monica, a 58-years-old Argentinean retired woman. I have always wanted to experience living in a community, living in England. If you dream it, you can achieve it!!! I was interested in the 7 month program about climate change and sustainable living that started in October 2024. It was all planned for that, but fortunately, something good happened!! Marie, our promotion responsible person, told me about a place left to join the Gaia team and raise a scholarship to help cover the costs of the program. So, I joined CICD’s life in August 2024. An...
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Volunteering with preschools in Amalika, Malawi

Jose and Angela with their DAPP supervisor Richard
By Jose Becerra, Colombia, Development Volunteer team April 2024 Here you can enjoy parts of the monthly report from Jose about his work with DAPP Malawi. Supporting preschool teachers in Amalika with DAPP Malawi We have been visiting the seventeen preschools to talk with the teachers and get a deep understanding of their needs and ideas about education of the children around. It has been an advantage to have the children on holidays, because then we can talk quietly in long conversations. As almost all of them are not well English speakers, we took the decision of making some interviews...
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"Tvind Olympic games" - an opportunity to learn, lead and have magical moments

Development Instructors from CICD in action!
Ellen Nayara Kotai Costa, Brazil, Poverty Activist team August 2024 CICD has “Sister Schools” and institutions in Europe, that share the same values and the aim to practice “Another Kind of School´s pedagogy”. Because of that twice per year CICD´s students have the opportunity to participate in events in Denmark. As a DI, Development Instructor, I participated in the "Olympic Games" in Tvind - a school centre in Denmark, and I still feel impacted by this experience - it can be described as deep, busy and at the same time transformative in my life. Not because of something in particular,...
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My first three months in Malawi

Edson together with his core group from Dowa Teachers Training College
By Edson Eduardo, Brazil, Development Volunteer team April 2024 Where I live July... we arrived to Malawi, it looked like a dream ..... we were all so excited and thrilled, everything was new for us, language, culture, people, and environment. And now going to the third month in Malawi I would like to share briefly my experience here. My quartet and I live in Dowa/Malawi, which is based on one of the most huge refugee camps in Africa, called Dzaleka. I've never been in a refugee camp before, so living near one have been a new experience for me. In...
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Eye-Opening Lessons for a Colombian getting ready for Malawi

Franz on his bike - he goes everywhere on bike or roller blades!
By Franz Rodriguez-Gualdrón, Development Volunteer team July 2024 Volunteering abroad is more than just checking off the "doing good" box—it’s a crash course in life, growth, and sometimes, the ultimate "what am I even doing here?" moment. Here's a sneak peek into several things a Colombian volunteer in the UK is learning, and that hopefully will stick around long after, whether working, travelling, or crushing life goals! 1. The political: "Recycling, upcycling…learning?" ♻️ Living and studying in the UK have been the opportunity to open my eyes to the subtleties of global politics and social responsibility. From an "obsession" with...
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My Malawi Experience: From Portugal, to England to Amalika

By Ana Jesus, Poverty Activist team August 2023 My name is Ana and I will tell you about my impressions of Malawi - the culture, the people and the impact that had in me. I did the 12 month Poverty Acivist programme - with 5 months of preparations at CICD, 6 months at the project country (Malawi) and 1 month back in England for the Bringing It to the Public.    Toghether with my Trio - Ivett, Peter and myself, in Amalika we worked with two different projects, as  Pre-School Supervisor and Core Group Teacher. During 6 months we worked...
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Learning by Doing / Experience by Ana

By Ana Jesus, Poverty Activist team August 2023 Hello, my name is Ana and I am going to tell you a bit about Learning by Doing. At CICD, "Learning by Doing" does not mean just today, but it is also about the future. As a student you are part of the daily activities like cooking, cleaning, and working in the garden. So you will learn many practical and soft skills which are useful in the future , especially within community development p rojects . You are about to get ready to contribute to the creation and reali s ation of...
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Learning from reality - investigation about poverty in England

Diana and some of the team together with Claire, volunteer at Foster's Pub - one of the hubs for food distribution in Hull
By Diana Heinfarth, Hungary, Poverty Activist team February 2024 My team and I were given the task of conducting research on real problems in our society. We chose to investigate poverty in England. In the UK, more than 22 % of the population were living in poverty in 2022/23 – that’s 13.4 million people. This included: - 8.1 million (or around 2 in 10) working-age adults - 4.2 million (or nearly 3 in 10) children - 2.1 million (or around 1 in 6) pensioners. During our investigation, we delved into the following topics: - What is the extent of immigration...
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Living in community - part of our training

Andrea with 2 team mates in the Building Weekend
By Andrea Barreto, Brazil - Development Volunteer team April 2024 At another time in my life, before CICD, I had other experiences living in a community, in Buddhist centers. Especially at the beginning here, I felt a similar sensation, a certain similarity in the routine and the energy. From my point of view, everything starts with the motivation of the community's members. In the Buddhist center, the motivation was to study, practice, and pray for the well-being of all beings. At CICD, I believe it is the preparation for volunteer work in the African continent and, in a way, to...
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My responsibility area: Grass & Wood

Driving Fred and measuring the path to cut
By Sebastián Rey, Development Volunteer team, April 2024 My responsibility area is "Grass and wood". It's an experience to value the work in the countryside. Every Wednesday, I step out of the desk, put on my boots, and dress in warm clothing. The meeting to receive instructions is at 9:00, and we are five minutes late. After listening carefully and asking a few questions, I'm ready to start my first day driving Fred, a 1973 Massey Ferguson tractor. It is the biggest machine at the school. Though it has lost the streetlights, mirrors, and some glass panels, and its doors...
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My personal experiences at CICD

Akos in action in our organic garden farm
By Akos Koncs, Hungary / Poverty Activist team February 2024 As a child I was an enthusiast for Africa. I read lots of stories by hunter-writers from the XIX century, I found it very romantic. Later my interest turned from the African natural beauty to the African society, and this was what pushed me to study cultural anthropology in the university. But getting my diploma in my hands I experienced disappointment, because in my country there are no programmes for Africa. Hungary never had any colonies anywhere, maybe this is why we had not much aid programmes to this continent....
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Our programme is a bird - it needs both wings to fly

Edson at the edge of CICD-s big park
By Edson Eduardo, Brazil, Development Volunteer team April 2024 Going to Africa, making a difference, helping people, communities and schools, volunteering, learning new cultures and sharing knowledge is undoubtedly the desire of many students who arrive at CICD for the 10 and 12 month programmes. Sometimes the fear of the new is mixed with the desire to go to the African continent straight away and embark on this adventure, a real mix of emotions and feelings. But you have to remember that it takes one step at a time, everything has its own time. Studies and learning is needed as...
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My first 45 days at CICD!

Jose enjoying time with his team at CICD!
By José Becerra, Gaia Team I arrived to CICD one month and a half ago. Has this period been long? Has it been short? Why or how? Forty five days sounds like the first half of a long football match; each day a minute. It is a perfect moment to look back and enjoy. As an old vinyl record, this article will have an A-side and B-side. The A-side Occasionally I would like to pause my life, so time won’t continue absorbing me towards the road of death. Perhaps it is a very tricky formulation, but I suppose many people feel...
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