
Dinner from our own production - a window to the future....

Our Climate Activist team were busy in the kitchen
The Climate Activist team invited all of us for a fantastic dinner earlier in the week...it was beautiful, really tasty and well prepared...and: made only from what we have grown in our garden farm: pumpkins, courgettes, different vegetables, potatoes, herbs and chicken! The only exception was a bit of oil, salt and some lemons! To eat this together was truly double happiness - we could enjoy a meal with no chemicals, no plastic waste from the packaging, no air miles transporting it here, the chicken healthy without added hormones...Mmmm! It felt very good that it is possible! Because this points...
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  4171 Hits
4171 Hits

Access to clean water is a human right - World Water Week

Water is necessary in preventing Covid19 and other diseases
World Water Week 2020 Accelerating action for water and climate change! Water is the fundamental source for human development; from nature-based solutions to socio-economic development and human resilience. Water is a key enabler. In fact, water is life! Humana People to People joins the rest of the world in celebrating World Water Week 2020. The five-day event, themed “Water and Climate Change – Accelerating Action”, will focus on innovation, science and all the necessary actions to achieve a climate-resilient future. World Water Week 2020 will be commemorated from 24 - 28 August 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated...
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  2300 Hits
2300 Hits

Development in solidarity, from People to People

  Introducing: Humana People to People progress report 2019! Humana People to People is a network of development organisations on 5 continents, in 45 countries and involving 12 million people on a daily basis – working together to create better health, education and living conditions. Humana People to People has been in action for more than 40 years and in spite of the Covid pandemic, they are certainly not “on hold” - but are providing communities and schools with Covid19 support: information, advice, food, access to water and soap, production of face masks - in their work all over the...
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  3206 Hits
3206 Hits

The new world rises in the East

The empire of the west is declining, a new world rises in the east
The PeaceJustice Conference This conference is organised every spring in Denmark, by our sister schools DNS Tvind and DRH Lindersvold. This year, it was of course online....and we were around 100 people participating – small groups in several schools in Norway, Denmark and England and also participants in many other parts of the world. It was a very inspiring event – and the high light was a lecture: "The new world rises in the East" by Jan Oberg - author, peace researcher and photographer. He held an exciting lecture, presenting his visions for what we can expect to happen in...
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  2610 Hits
2610 Hits

Changing the world one life at a time

Joe Solo runs We Shall Overcome together with Pauline Town
Solidarity - not charity! Joe Solo is an award-winning musician, writer, poet, activist, broadcaster and washing machine engineer from Scarborough in north-east England. Together with Pauline Town and many other activists and musicians, Joe Solo runs the We Shall Overcome (WSO) movement. He uses his skills as a musician and song writer to raise much needed funds as well as spirits, all around the country. The aim is to support people living in poverty, who ended up homeless and need a helping hand to get back on their feet. “The Station Hotel”, a pub in Ashton under Lyne in Manchester run...
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  3172 Hits
3172 Hits

Why gardening? Because in exchange of your work you get food!

Why organic? Because it’s healthy. Because in order to have good and healthy food we DON’T need chemicals.
From Vasile Nutescu, garden farming responsible: Hi, my name is Vasile and I am from Romania and I want to talk about gardening, organic gardening. Why organic? Because it’s healthy. Because in order to have good and healthy food we DON’T need chemicals. I come from a small village in north of Romania. It’s an area where even now days most of the agriculture and gardening are made organically and traditionally. I grew up with gardening and I learned what I know that way. Throughout the years I also worked in industrial agriculture so I also have an understanding of...
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  3557 Hits
3557 Hits

The era of the Anthropocene has arrived

To have a sustainable society we need clean energy. And a society that is not based on economic growth.
By Alvaro Valdebenito Sanhueza, Chile 10 month Development Volunteer team, August 2019 The environmental struggle It has been a custom to think that the struggle about climate change is related with a couple of environmentalist hippies or a small groups of eccentric young people that want to get attention with their new style of life, as the vegeta...
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  4098 Hits
4098 Hits

Chile is Awake

The problem is a deeply unfair economic and social system, implanted in blood and fire by the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in 1973
During the last days, the people of Chile have mobilised in the face of the perceived injustices in the conditions that exist to live in the country, considering that the state is not guaranteeing their basic rights even when Chile is considered one of the richest country in Latin America. Last Friday, the underground subway increased its price by ...
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  3449 Hits
3449 Hits

What can we do – you and me - to fight Climate Change and Global Warming?

he IPCC report from 2018 stated that we have a window of 12 years to take drastic action to cut down our CO2 emissions
The IPCC report from 2018 stated that we have a window of 12 years to take drastic action to cut down our CO2 emissions. If we don't succeed, and the earth keeps warming more, the consequences will be extreme and difficult to live in and survive, for most people and for the rest of the natural world. There are already thousands of species that have gone extinct. According to science, we have 11 years left to prevent these extreme conditions. However, new reports are saying that the political steps to enable the cuts to carbon to take place will have...
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  3761 Hits
3761 Hits

David Attenborough about the Climate Crisis: 'The Garden of Eden is no more'

  Speech from Chrystal Awards in Davos, January 2019 “ Thank you, Professor Klaus Schwab, Hilde Schwab and the World Economic Forum for this generous award and inviting me to Davos. I am quite literally from another age. I was born during the Holocene- the name given to the 12,000-year period of climatic stability that allowed humans to settle, farm and create civilisations. Those conditions fostered our unique minds, giving rise to international trade in ideas as well as goods making us the globally-connected species we are today. Much of what will be discussed here is the consequence of that...
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  4279 Hits
4279 Hits

We are going for green energy at CICD!

We recently introduced our new green energy project at CICD Environmental Centre, in order to promote renewable energy in the school and also in nearby communities. Our world is on the edge of turmoil due to the limitless usage of fossil fuel, pesticides, and all sort of chemicals and waste as the final “product” of vast production. What can be possibly done to help Mother Nature carry this burden? We do organic gardening for instance; we are composting, recycling, planting trees around and customising our consumption.
Further more our new green energy project has been...
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  2159 Hits
2159 Hits

An impossible situation....

By Diego Dusetti, from investigation trip with his team, October 2018 (picture credit: www.snipview.com ) This is the map of how Israel has been taking land from Palestine. As you can see from 1946 to 2000 the Palestinian area has been reducing a lot: everything started when a small group of Jewish people who went to Palestine for few days with the excuse to visit the country; they were staying in a Hotel that they never left. After them, soldiers started to come with the goal of colonizing the country. Since that moment until now, different conflicts have been happening...
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  2514 Hits
2514 Hits

Planet Protection Conference 6-7. October!

3 of us from CICD went to Denmark to participate in the conference at DRH Lindersvold, our sister school. We arrived at Copenhagen Airport with high expectations and enthusiasm. As we (Alessia - 3 months Climate Activist Team (CAT), Vasile - 5 months Climate Activist Team, Tamas - Teacher of 3 months CAT) were picked up and taken to the school, it was clear we could look forward to a really busy and fruitful weekend. The program started on Saturday morning with Gert Tjoelker’s welcome speech. He greeted all the participants from CICD UK, Norway school, DNS Tvind, DRH Lindersvold,...
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  2106 Hits
2106 Hits

Our Environmental Centre for a Livable Future

During the spring and summer 2018 a lot of things have happened here! Tamas who is in the lead of the Environmental Centre, explains about our visions and actions until now: At CICD we are continuously developing our Environmental Centre in order to contribute to diminishing the effects of Climate Change. Drawing attention to the changes and at the same time offering solutions decreasing it, is the main focus. Our tools are sustainability, stewardship and proper education. Multiple projects has been started up in our Environmental Centre this year: We are putting up our first solar panel and plan to...
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  2087 Hits
2087 Hits

The Masque of Anarchy

"The Masque of Anarchy" is a British political poem written in 1819 by Percy Bysshe Shelley, following the Peterloo massacre of that year in Manchester. In his call for freedom, it is perhaps the first modern statement of the principle of nonviolent resistance. It was banned from printing for 30 years.     The Masque of Anarchy Here are some selected verses: "Ye who suffer woes untold, Or to feel, or to behold Your lost country bought and sold With a price of blood and gold. Let a vast assembly be, And with great solemnity Declare with measured words that...
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  4562 Hits
4562 Hits

Together we can do this

Together we can do this We want to have a future that is open for us all where it is not the 1 % who has the power Never mind skin or religion, age or nationality We've more in common than divides us anyway! Chorus: Together we can do this and together we must fight Only together do we have a chance to really put things right The farmer in Malawi, her crops ruined by the drought The homeless in the food bank queue in Hull They're casualties of capitalism, struggling to survive and they've more in common than divides...
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  2859 Hits
2859 Hits

The future needs us now

The future needs us now The future is around the corner It actually starts today It starts by you deciding That you want to have a say Stop listening to the news that fill you with hate and fear That make you feel powerless and despair Seek out the news about the hundreds of thousands of do’ers Because, you see, they are out there Stop listening to moaners and complainers Who will not do but talk and row We have not got time for it For the future needs us, and it needs us now Don’t let anyone tell you...
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  2349 Hits
2349 Hits

My plea to the people of Israel: Liberate yourselves by liberating Palestine - Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, in an exclusive article for Haaretz, calls for a global boycott of Israel and urges Israelis and Palestinians to look beyond their leaders for a sustainable solution to the crisis in the Holy Land. The past weeks have witnessed unprecedented action by members of civil society across the world against the injustice of Israel’s disproportionately brutal response to the firing of missiles from Palestine. If you add together all the people who gathered over the past weekend to demand justice in Israel and Palestine – in Cape Town, Washington, D.C., New York, New Delhi, London, Dublin...
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  1904 Hits
1904 Hits

The crisis is a conscious strategy for social demolition - Interview with Boaventura de Sousa Santosis

The world today is facing a deep crisis. Yet at the same time, the neo liberal growth model is still presented as the only possible option. The Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos exposes the myth and made it his life’s mission to build an epistemology of alternatives. "It’s time to open the doors and windows of our universities and let the wind of alternative knowledge blow through", says de Sousa. Boaventura de Sousa Santosis is a monument in the social sciences. He is head of department of Sociology at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, but spends most of the...
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  1951 Hits
1951 Hits

In the palm of our hands....

Take my hand - and open your eyes    This is our land – and this is our skies! Take my hand - together we go   In this world - a lot to sow Seeds that come from deep in our hearts To sow right is a piece of art! Dirt and rubbish are flowing all over The flowers we plant can hardly cover We live in “one World” share the sea and the air Powerful humans think of profit and do not care! Life in our Oceans are under serious threat – Great “Pacific Plastic Garbage Patches” float in the...
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  2006 Hits
2006 Hits