
The future needs us now

The future needs us nowkaren

The future is around the corner
It actually starts today
It starts by you deciding
That you want to have a say

Stop listening to the news that fill you with hate and fear
That make you feel powerless and despair
Seek out the news about the hundreds of thousands of do’ers
Because, you see, they are out there

Stop listening to moaners and complainers
Who will not do but talk and row
We have not got time for it
For the future needs us, and it needs us now

Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot make a difference
That you are too small and insignificant
Go and seek out some of the ones that did it
And who will tell you: “Yes, you can!”

Don’t listen to the climate change deniers
Or those that say that nothing can be done
Seek out the tree planters and garden farmers
And learn that many battles can be won

When the plight of street children in New Delhi makes you want to cry
Stop crying and join the fight
Seek out Academy for Working Children
And learn how they give the children back their right

When you meet the Malawian grandmother
With 8 children under her roof
Because their parents died of AIDS
Don’t withdraw, don’t become hopeless and aloof

Seek out the Field Officers of TCE
Who walk out week after week
To teach about how to live with the illness
How to stay strong, not weak

If someone tells you the poor are lazy
And I am afraid some might do
Never fall for it, shut them up
Go talk to the homeless and those in the food bank queue

But more than anything, go talk to Pauline
Who saves lives one at a time day and night
By organising food and shelter for the homeless
Learn from her and join the fight

The future needs us now
The future needs YOU now

Together we can do this
Climate Activist team: Green actions and Homeless ...


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Friday, 28 March 2025