
First Report from Climate Activists Team - August 2016

Humana People to People India NeTT Ujjain

Report of Climate Activist Team
College for International Co-operation and Development, UK


From 17 to 21 of September of 2016

We arrive around midday in New Delhi, after we took a taxi to NHQ where we receive a good welcome from Cristina (Project Leader), Louise and some workers from HPPI. After Cristina invited us to her house to take some food and rest a little bit. After we take a walk around and we met IDIs from Norway School who guide us to the IDIs apartment where we stayed a couple of days. In the next days we made meetings with Cristina about HPPI, projects that we were going, Visas and IDIs contracts with HPPI and also some free time to visit some places in New Delhi.

Indian Gate


Lotus Temple


Red Fort


Jama Masjid


Lodi Garden


Humayun’s Tomb



22 of September of 2016

We arrived to Ujjain at 11:00 (after 16 hours inside a train) and Anil Kumar Yogi, the project leader, came to pick us up from the train station. He organized our trip to the guest house. There we had a small and warm ‘welcome party’ with chai (tea). This moment was important to meet all the stuff from Humana in Ujjain and speak about the projects and the daily life here. Then Anil invited us to go to the welcome party for the new year students of DNS School. There, first we met with the Principal where we had time to present ourselves and after, we went to the party for the new students where they receive us also with a warm welcome with presents and bindi sign. We spent two hours watching performances from the students (games, dances and songs). Everything was new for us and we enjoyed a lot our day.


Welcome party first year student and welcome of IDIs at NeTT Ujjain
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23 of September of 2016

We used this day to see around our neighbourhood and buy some things that we needed for the house and for our meals.
In the end of the day we went to the market to buy some clothes to work according with the Indian culture.


24 of September of 2016

IDIs with NeTT Ujjain team

During the morning we went to DNS office to meet with other teachers to make groups to work – Esther and Cruz will work with Manju, Miguel and Bea with Pallaviand and Borja and Marina with Ankit. Our work will pass from monitoring constantly 24 primary schools and involve the communities around also in our activities. For this job we will have the direct support and co-operation of Anil (Humana project leader), the DNS teachers and DNS students.

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After we met they provided us with a computer to search some information to organize the activities.

In the evening all of us visited an orphanage where children that used to live in the streets are hosted and we made a small tree plantation with them. Also they received us with chai and bindi sign. After we had the opportunity to meet the Principal who explained to us how they usually work and how they pick the children’s from the street mainly from railway stations the priority is the children’s without parents. They provide food, accommodation and full education. Also they try to create a familiar atmosphere in order to develop positively themselves as much as they can.

Tree planting at orphanage school nearby DIET Ujjain
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Orphanage school staff and openday programme at Orphanage school
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Few photos from the school

2 1 DCE 2 2 DCE
2 3 DCE 2 4 DCE
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From Ryma about Journal period
My first week as a DI by Danail


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