
My first week as a DI by Danail

Hello from Danail . After six months Gaia period , (in which I had many unforgettable moments) I was super excited. The feeling was strange, but in the best sense. In the upcoming five months in which I will enrich my knowledge about issues which are interesting for me: -where the problems in modern society come from; -how to solve them; -how to overcome poverty; -how to protect our planet and the wildlife in it. All these issues need addressing. I cannot tell you everything that happened in those five days, as I fear that might be boring for you,...
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  1944 Hits
1944 Hits

Why can't people just agree to make a better world? - Gaia Team Study Weekend May 2016

In my group's presentation we were talking about how the money affects our way of life
The 7th-8th May we had the monthly Gaia Study Weekend in our school. During this period, the subject that all the Gaia’s were working with was: “Why can’t people just agree to make a better world?”. To work with this question we split the class in 5 groups and we tried to focus our presentations on “What are the most important factors that are the hindrances for people to joining hands? ”. After sharing our opinion with the rest of the students, we established 5 factors as the most influencial factors in our society: Money Greed Comfort Education Fear In...
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  2022 Hits
2022 Hits

Volunteering at the Peace Conference 2016 in Tvind, Denmark - by Mirella Ka.

Peace Conference was a 3 day event, which took place from 29th of April till 1st of May in Tvind campus, nearby a town called Ulfborg, Denmark. Around 50 volunteers from various countries in Europe gathered to make it happen during a 3-day long Preparation Camp. Around 350 people attended the event as both participants and guests. Tvind is a place where a windmill (Tvindkraft) was built by students and teachers between 1974 – 1978 as a sign of protest against nuclear power. Students and volunteers from CICD had the pleasure and responsability to take part in the Preparation Camp...
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  1976 Hits
1976 Hits

Building a team

Building a team is much like building a house. You need good support for the house/team to stand strong, strong walls/companions to help you stay warm in even the coldest situations, windows for light/fun and many other things. That is why a team has to be built slowly and with great care. If you just throw all of these things together you will not get a house, but a pile of rubble. A house/ team built too fast and carelessly will fall and collapse. But if you go slow and put the pieces together brick by brick, you can build...
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  2134 Hits
2134 Hits

The right decision!

see good people trying hard and in a completely different way to make a change.
One day I woke up in a different room, in a different bed, in a different country. The day before I had changed my life forever. Without knowing I have chosen the path that would make me (re)do my existence and attitude about life and people. CICD… Here every single day is a challenge. You are tested in several completely different occasions comparing with what you are used to. I believe that only the ones who experiment this kind of life understand what it really means to live in a community. You are used to do less than you have...
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  2144 Hits
2144 Hits

Learning by doing - 5 examples from my programme!

Hi my name is Paulius Baltakis and I’m from Lithuania.  When I became 24 years old I decided to change my life and I joined CICD. I m just a simple person who thinks that the world is what kind of place that you create by yourself.  And if you want to create it of your best vision first of all you must find yourself. So CICD is great place to start doing it. It helps me to keep my mind clean and keep focus on my goal. It gives me opportunity to live with people from all around Europe,...
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  1857 Hits
1857 Hits