CICD has joined hands with 2 other similar colleges, to constantly improve our programmes and continue to offer opportunities for people to take active part in creating development and fighting shoulder to shoulder with The Poor. The other colleges are based in Denmark and in the Caribbean.
DRH is an abbreviation of Danish for the Travelling Folk High School. The first one saw the light of day in Denmark, the homeland of the famous folk high school tradition.
It started on a small scale - like bringing vitamin tablets to the children in a village in India or stuffing all the warm overcoats that could fit into the trunk of the bus to bring to poor people in Eastern Turkey where the winter could take temperatures down below -40 degrees. It was packing agricultural seeds, donated by the local supermarket, in the rucksack and bringing them to farmers in rural Bolivia. All initiatives came spontaneously from meeting people in need and knowing that you yourself had so much and had the possibility to get hold of more.