
Alcohol and drug policy

Updated October 2021

CICD wishes to foster an open, positive environment for all where soc ial relations function entirely free from the use of alcoho1 or drugs.
The college therefore has a strict zero to1erance policy concerning the use of alcoho1 and drugs.

Students enroll ing at the school agree to refrain from the use of alcohol or drugs for the duration of their enrolment period i.e. they do not consume alcohol or drugs on campus, or while engaged in activities off campus, at any time while they are enrol1ed at the college.

Staff may not consume alcohol on campus, or whilst on duty either on or off campus. Furthermore, they may not undertake duties, on or off campus, whlle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The College wishes to sustain an open environment with place for all and as such is happy to enroll or employ previous alcohol or drug abusers, providing they have been sober and/or free of misuse for a period of 18 months immediately preceding enro1lment /start of employment. A relapse at any point will have immediate and drastic consequences.